Popular Cloud Kitchen Business Models and Examples

April 17, 2024

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Cloud kitchens are revolutionizing the food industry by offering delivery-only meals prepared in centralized kitchens. These examples highlight the innovative nature of cloud kitchens and their ability to cater to evolving consumer preferences for convenient and diverse dining options. Let’s get started! 

Evolving Nature of Cloud Kitchen Examples Business Models

The food industry is witnessing a rapid evolution in business models, with cloud kitchens emerging as a prominent trend. These kitchens operate without a physical dining space, focusing solely on delivery and takeaway orders. This model offers a cost-effective and efficient way for food entrepreneurs to enter the market and cater to changing consumer preferences.

Explanation of Terms: Cloud Kitchen, Dark Kitchen, Ghost Kitchen

  • Cloud Kitchen: A kitchen facility that prepares and delivers food exclusively for delivery or takeaway, without a dine-in option. It operates through online orders placed via food delivery apps.
  • Dark Kitchen: Similar to a cloud kitchen, a dark kitchen is a facility that prepares food for delivery only. However, dark kitchens may operate under a different brand name or as a virtual restaurant.
  • Ghost Kitchen: Another term for a cloud kitchen or dark kitchen, emphasizing its lack of physical presence and focus on delivery-only operations.

Factors Driving Cloud Kitchen Experimentation: Consumer Demand, Last-Mile Delivery, Global Pandemic

  • Consumer Demand: Increasing consumer preference for convenience, variety, and speed in food delivery has driven the rise of cloud kitchens. Customers seek diverse culinary experiences delivered to their doorstep, which cloud kitchens can efficiently provide.
  • Last-Mile Delivery: Cloud kitchens are strategically located to optimize last-mile delivery, reducing delivery times and costs. This operational efficiency is a key factor in their growing popularity.
  • Global Pandemic: The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the adoption of cloud kitchens, as dine-in restrictions and safety concerns prompted a surge in online food ordering. Cloud kitchens provided a safer alternative for consumers and a viable business model for food entrepreneurs.

Let’s take a closer look at the different types of cloud kitchen examples below; 

Brand-Owned, Single-Location Cloud Kitchen Examples

Typical Setup: Located in Low-Rent Areas, Streamlined Operation

Brand-owned, single-location cloud kitchens are typically set up in low-rent areas to minimize operational costs. These cloud kitchen examples are designed for streamlined operations, focusing on efficiency and cost-effectiveness in food preparation and delivery.

Profit Potential: Low Upfront Investment, Scalable with Effort

One of the key advantages of a brand-owned, single-location cloud kitchen is its low upfront investment. With a modest initial investment, entrepreneurs can establish a fully operational kitchen. Additionally, these kitchens have the potential to scale with effort, allowing for increased profitability over time.

Pros: Optimized Kitchen Space, Menu Flexibility, Increased Control

  • Optimized Kitchen Space: Brand-owned cloud kitchens can be designed to maximize efficiency, with layouts tailored to specific menu requirements and operational needs.
  • Menu Flexibility: Owners have the freedom to experiment with menus and offerings based on customer feedback and market trends, enhancing the brand's appeal and customer satisfaction.
  • Increased Control: Owners have complete control over all aspects of the operation, from menu selection to ingredient sourcing, ensuring quality and consistency.

Cons: Potential for Underutilization During Off-Peak Times

One of the main challenges of a brand-owned, single-location cloud kitchen is the potential for underutilization during off-peak times. Without a physical dining area to attract customers, these kitchens may experience periods of low demand, affecting overall profitability.

Multi-Brand Cloud Kitchen Examples

Typical Setup: Single Kitchen Space Rented Out to Multiple Brands

Multi-brand cloud kitchen setup, a single kitchen space is rented out to multiple food brands or virtual restaurants. Each brand operates independently within the shared facility, utilizing shared resources and infrastructure.

Profit Potential: Low to Medium Upfront Investment, Easy/Doable Scaling

The shared or multi-brand cloud kitchen model offers a lower upfront investment compared to owning a standalone kitchen. It also provides scalability, allowing brands to expand their operations easily as they grow.

Pros: Lower Operational Costs, Shared Expenses, Variety and Choice

  • Lower Operational Costs: Brands benefit from shared expenses, such as rent, utilities, and maintenance, reducing their overall operational costs.
  • Shared Expenses: By sharing kitchen space and equipment, brands can access high-quality facilities at a fraction of the cost of owning and operating a standalone kitchen.
  • Variety and Choice: Consumers benefit from a wider variety of food options and cuisines, all available from a single location.

Revenue Generation: Rent/Usage Fees, Subscriptions, Commission, and Revenue-Sharing

Shared or multi-brand cloud kitchens generate revenue through various means, including:

  • Rent or usage fees are paid by brands for access to the kitchen space and facilities.
  • Subscriptions or membership fees paid by brands for ongoing access to the shared kitchen.
  • Commission or revenue-sharing agreements, where the kitchen owner takes a percentage of sales from each brand operating within the facility.

Operating multiple food concepts can be streamlined with a multi-restaurant cloud kitchen, where you can manage them all under one roof. For instance, Kouzina successfully runs a range of food brands, including established ones like Indiana Burgers and WarmOven, offering franchising opportunities for interested entrepreneurs. 

Cloud Kitchen Examples: Hybrid Models- Merged and Separated

Hybrid-Merged: Combines Traditional Kitchen with a Delivery-Only Line

In the hybrid-merged model, a traditional kitchen that serves dine-in customers also operates a delivery-only line. This allows restaurants to leverage their existing infrastructure and staff to fulfill delivery orders without disrupting their dine-in service.

Hybrid-Separated: Separate Kitchens for Dine-In and Deliveries

The hybrid-separated model involves operating separate kitchens for dine-in and delivery orders. This allows restaurants to optimize each kitchen for its specific purpose, potentially improving efficiency and quality in both operations.

Pros: Low Upfront Investment, Rapid Expansion, Maintained Control Over Menu

  • Low Upfront Investment: Hybrid models often require less investment compared to establishing a new cloud kitchen from scratch, as they can leverage existing infrastructure.
  • Rapid Expansion: Hybrid models allow for rapid expansion into the delivery market, leveraging existing brand recognition and customer base.
  • Maintained Control Over Menu: Restaurants can maintain control over their menu offerings, ensuring consistency across both dine-in and delivery channels.

Cons: Limited Reach, Requires New Kitchen Investment

  • Limited Reach: Hybrid models may have a limited reach compared to dedicated cloud kitchens, as they are constrained by the location and capacity of the traditional kitchen.
  • Requires New Kitchen Investment: Implementing a hybrid model may require additional investment in kitchen infrastructure and technology to support the delivery-only line or separate kitchens.

Commissary Cloud Kitchen Examples (Hub & Spoke)

Typical Setup: Central Kitchen with Pop-Up Locations

A commissary cloud kitchen, also known as a hub-and-spoke model, consists of a central kitchen (hub) that prepares food for multiple satellite locations (spokes), which are often pop-up or virtual restaurants. The central kitchen handles food preparation, while the satellite locations focus on order fulfillment and customer service.

Profit Potential: High Upfront Investment but Easy Scaling

While the upfront investment for a commissary cloud kitchen can be high due to the need for a central kitchen and multiple satellite locations, the model offers easy scalability. Once the central kitchen is established, adding new satellite locations is relatively straightforward, allowing for rapid expansion.

Pros: Streamlines Operations, Maximizes Productivity

  • Streamlines Operations: The hub-and-spoke model streamlines operations by centralizing food preparation and distribution, reducing the need for multiple kitchen facilities.
  • Maximizes Productivity: By focusing on specific tasks, such as food preparation or order fulfillment, each location can maximize productivity and efficiency.

Cons: Operational Complexity, Little Control for Restaurant Owners

  • Operational Complexity: Managing multiple satellite locations and coordinating food production and delivery can be complex and challenging.
  • Little Control for Restaurant Owners: Restaurant owners may have limited control over satellite locations, as each location operates independently within the hub-and-spoke model.

Delivery App-Owned Cloud Kitchens

Pros: Provides Kitchen Space and Exposure on the Delivery Platform

Delivery app-owned cloud kitchens offer kitchen space and exposure on the delivery platform, allowing restaurants to reach a wider audience without the need for a physical location. This can help restaurants increase their visibility and attract more customers.

Cons: Exclusive Agreements May Limit Opportunities

One of the main drawbacks of delivery app-owned cloud kitchens is the possibility of exclusive agreements, which may limit restaurants' opportunities to work with other delivery platforms. This can restrict restaurants' ability to diversify their revenue streams and reach a broader customer base.

When to Choose: Minimal Upfront Investment and Marketing Support Preferred

Delivery app-owned cloud kitchens are a good option for restaurants looking for minimal upfront investment and marketing support. By partnering with a delivery app, restaurants can leverage the platform's existing infrastructure and customer base to launch their virtual restaurant with minimal risk.

Fully Outsourced Cloud Kitchen Model

Pros: Reduces Operational Costs, Simplifies Food Preparation

The fully outsourced cloud kitchen model allows restaurants to reduce operational costs by outsourcing food preparation and kitchen operations to a third-party provider. This simplifies food preparation and allows restaurants to focus on other aspects of their business, such as marketing and customer service.

Cons: Limited Control and Menu Flexibility

One of the main drawbacks of the fully outsourced cloud kitchen model is the limited control and menu flexibility it offers. Restaurants may have less control over the quality of food preparation and menu offerings, which can impact customer satisfaction and brand reputation.

Suitable For: Restaurants Focusing on Marketing and Brand-Building

The fully outsourced cloud kitchen model is suitable for restaurants that want to focus on marketing and brand-building, rather than the day-to-day operations of food preparation. By outsourcing kitchen operations, restaurants can allocate more resources to marketing and promoting their brand, potentially leading to increased sales and brand awareness.

Cloud Kitchen Examples - Business Models

Independent Model: Stand-alone Kitchens Taking Orders via Apps

In the independent model, stand-alone cloud kitchens operate independently and take orders directly from customers through mobile apps or websites. These kitchens are responsible for all aspects of food preparation, packaging, and delivery.

Business Model with Hub and Spoke: Central Production System

The hub-and-spoke model involves a central production kitchen (hub) that supplies food to multiple satellite kitchens or delivery-only locations (spokes). This model allows for centralized food preparation and distribution, maximizing efficiency and reducing operational costs.

The Model of Outsourcing: Minimal Infrastructure, Outsourced Services

Some cloud kitchens operate with minimal infrastructure, outsourcing services such as food preparation, packaging, and delivery to third-party providers. This model allows for greater flexibility and cost savings, as kitchen operators can scale their operations based on demand.

Kitchens at a Commissary (Aggregator): Shared Working Environment

In the commissary model, multiple cloud kitchens operate within a shared kitchen facility, often referred to as a commissary. This model allows for shared resources and infrastructure, reducing costs for individual kitchen operators.


The cloud kitchen market is booming, fueled by rising consumer demand for delivery services and the cost advantages over traditional restaurants. As technology advances and preferences change, cloud kitchens are poised to innovate with new menu options and operational solutions. Automation in food preparation and delivery could further enhance efficiency and cut costs. Eco-friendly practices, such as sustainable packaging and locally sourced ingredients, are also gaining importance, along with efforts to reduce food waste. By staying adaptable and committed to improvement, cloud kitchen businesses can thrive in this dynamic industry.

For entrepreneurs seeking to join an established cloud kitchen business, Kouzina stands out as a successful multi-brand model. With an investment of 10-15 lakh, you can become part of this exciting journey.

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