Kouzina Kitchen Partners

Food delivery is the future of the restaurant food services industry in India. It will be a Rs 2,50,000 Cr market in the next 10 years. Customers across the country are already ordering food online and this trend is only continuing to grow and at a very fast pace.

Early movers always meet with success. Be one of the early movers and set up a business that will profit from this wave of online food ordering. Learn How.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Cloud Kitchen?

Cloud Kitchen is a commercial kitchen which is primarily selling on online food platforms like Swiggy, Zomato, Amazon and through its own website channels. Significant part of the business is from online sales with limited take-away and deliveries.

There is no customer seating and dine-in in such establishments.Since there are no dine-in customers, multiple brands can be run from the same kitchen, increasing the overall orders you receive while also improving the efficiency of operations.

What are the advantages of a Cloud Kitchen compared to a regular restaurant?

Cloud Kitchens enjoy significant advantages over a regular restaurant.

  • Lower rentals since the location need not be on high street. Customers find you through the online ordering platforms and for this your kitchen does not have to be in expensive rental zones.
  • Minimal investment overall and specifically on interiors and customer seating as compared to a dine-in restaurant.
  • Very low costs of changing locations in case business does not pick up.
  • Ability to run multiple brands from the same kitchen, leading to increased operational efficiencies.
  • Minimal chances of failure through de-risked multi brand approach.
  • Ease of running the business remotely since orders, metrics and all other data is available remotely.
  • Sharp focus on metrics and reviews coming in from customers every day allow you to keep improving and be the best on the online platforms.
  • Easy changing of the levers of discounting, advertisements, menu and price changes are available to ensure business is performing optimally, which is very difficult in offline restaurants.
  • Very minimal wastage since everything is designed to be made after the order is received.

Are Cloud Kitchens growing in India? What opportunities exist?

Online food ordering market, led by Cloud Kitchens, is estimated to expand at a CAGR of 24% to reach INR 2,50,000 crores in the next 10 years with 200 million customers ordering online. More and more people are comfortable ordering online, and this trend is growing rapidly aided by...

  • Increasing income leading to aspirations to try out new food and cuisines and compounded by busy schedules leading to reduced cooking at home.
  • Convenience of getting the best food delivered right at home, any time of the day and in any weather conditions.
  • Avoid the hassle of traffic and parking in city centre areas.
  • Safe and involves less interaction, which is critical in the post Covid world.

Is Cloud Kitchen right for my city?

Online food aggregators are available in more than 500 cities in India and continuing to expand. Please connect with us and we will help you in determining the suitability of Cloud Kitchens at your location. In smaller cities, we may tweak this model to ensure there is enough space for take-aways.

Tell me about Kouzina Food Tech Private Limited

Kouzina Food Tech Private Limited is a leader in the Cloud Kitchen business with over 40 kitchens across multiple cities. Started in 2013 by founders with deep expertise in food retailing, ecommerce, technology and online markets, the company has rapidly grown in the last few years leveraging the Cloud Kitchen model. The company is backed by some of the best investors from across the globe and has a vision of setting up a 1000 kitchens across the country in the next 3 years.

What are the brands that I will run?

Today, Kouzina operates in the categories of cakes, desserts, ice creams, shakes and fast food like burgers, rolls and wraps. We are expanding into other categories such as Momos, Biryanis and many more to increase volumes from our kitchens.

All of these categories are chosen based on the demand data from food delivery platforms to ensure high volumes at every kitchen irrespective of the geographical location and are not affected by local preferences.

View Brands and Menu

There are many companies that offer franchising opportunities. Why should I partner with Kouzina Food Tech Private Limited?

You as a food entrepreneur have a lot of options for franchising. However consider the following aspects before choosing the right option

  • Unlike other franchisors, Kouzina actively helps you receive orders by managing your restaurant page on Swiggy, Zomato and other food aggregators and will put our best practices into play. This will drive a significant number of online orders. Additionally our website www.warmoven.in receives a lot of orders which will be channelled to you in your city/territory
  • Kouzina team has strong expertise in menu definition, pricing, discounting, and increasing visibility to push more online orders which will be implemented in discussion with you. Traditional offline franchises have very limited options to help you on these fronts
  • Cloud Kitchen model takes away the risk of getting the location right, reduces wastage significantly compared to any of the offline players.
  • Multiple brands increase efficiency in the kitchen and lead to higher number of orders from same location.
  • Kouzina supports you in maintaining trained workforce with on-demand support for training, virtual training videos and continuous assessments for all your staff.
  • State-of-the-art technology platform and reports to ensure smooth and efficient operations and daily visibility into metrics and customer ratings.
  • Lower initial investment, lower risks and faster payback period as compared to other franchise options

What support will I get from Kouzina?

Kouzina team will help you through every stage of the journey and will always be there to lean on as you scale the business.

  • Data driven location survey to help in finding the right location
  • Program management and kitchen layout planning to help launch the kitchen within 30 days
  • Support in access to centralized vendors for ingredients & equipment offering industry best deals
  • On-boarding on 3rd party aggregator platforms
  • Best negotiated commissions on 3rd party aggregator platforms
  • Digitised training and assessment to all staff
  • Own channel for direct orders
  • Additional brands and categories available to you on an ongoing basis
  • Data analytics dashboard for pricing, discount planning, menu engineering
  • Ongoing support on helping drive orders to your kitchens. Our brand team will work with you to drive online orders and website orders to your kitchens. We will leverage our expertise to make you one of the top brands in your city.
  • Ongoing support to ensure you have the best trained staff, help you with the implementation of best-in-class inventory management and process support
  • Packaging innovation to help create best-in-class customer experience for food delivery
  • Continuous brand building through online marketing and social media activity like facebook, google ads, instagram posts etc to help build brand awareness

What is expected from me?

Your role as a franchisee is very critical in ensuring the business is a success. You should be a dynamic individual passionate about food. Additionally, you should be

  1. An aspiring food entrepreneur with local knowledge of the city, with interest to spend at least a couple of hours a week to manage operations and review the business growth.
  2. Having financial capability to invest about INR 15-20 lakhs
  3. Networked to drive bulk orders, party orders and website orders for cakes and theme cakes
  4. Ability to use technology and ensure process compliance and metrics adherence.
  5. Manage local on the ground operations, licenses etc. You should have a local accountant and auditor to manage the P&L and all required regulatory filings