Best Fast Food Franchise Business Opportunities In India

April 17, 2024

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The aroma of opportunity is sizzling in the global fast-food franchise industry, and India is the hottest kitchen. This sector is experiencing explosive growth worldwide, fueled by the convenience-craving desires of young generations.

India, with its massive and youthful population, is uniquely positioned to become a significant growth center for these franchises. The country's abundant natural resources further add fuel to the fire, creating a prime market for fast-food expansion. This introduction serves as your gateway to explore the exciting world of franchise ownership within the booming Indian fast-food scene.

Exploring Best Fast Food Franchise In India

Now let's get into the nitty gritty of budget-friendly food franchises in India. This could involve looking into some popular chains like Tibbs Frankie or players such as Indiana Burgers which are known for their delicious flavour and affordability.

Overview of Budget-Friendly Fast Food Franchises in India

The best fast-food franchises in India offer many opportunities for entrepreneurs looking for affordable business options.

Popular budget franchises include Indian street food chains such as JB Kachori Wala which is slowly becoming very popular in North India. Quick Service Cafes are also on the rise, these cafes provide beverages like tea, coffee, and milkshakes along with light snacks like sandwiches and pastries. Examples include:

  • Zoop Cafe: Offers a variety of beverages and snacks in a casual setting.
  • Kia Cafe: Known for its affordable chai and coffee options.

The Appeal of the Fast Food Industry to Entrepreneurs.

While the appeal of the fast food industry for entrepreneurs is undeniable, careful research, planning, and a strong work ethic are essential for thriving in this competitive space.

Compared to setting up a fine-dining restaurant or a unique food concept from scratch, affordable fast-food franchises require a significantly lower initial investment. This can be a major advantage for entrepreneurs with limited capital.

Furthermore, starting with a known brand or franchise takes away the burden of building brand awareness from the ground up. Entrepreneurs can leverage the existing reputation and marketing power of the franchise to attract customers more readily.

Highlighting Key Best Fast Food Franchise In India

Kouzina brings to you a range of high-quality fast-food franchises that you can consider in 2024.



Indiana Burgers has shifted from being a local favorite among Bangalore residents since the 1980s to now having successful franchisees in all parts of the country. Their budget-friendly and innovative offerings make them a top choice to consider when starting a fast-food franchise. With an investment of around 12 to 15 lakhs, Kouzina, their parent company offers quite the deal by helping newcomers understand the know-how of this business while offering constant support and guidance.


Nagpal has become a household name over the years due to its authentic taste with an emphasis on providing traditional and delicious Chole Bhature to all. This franchise requires only a compact space of around 250-300 sq. ft. area suggesting that it might be more suitable for smaller kiosks or takeaway spots. The investment range of 11 to 15 lacs makes it a cost-effective endeavor with high growth potential.

They likely offer different franchise models so a comprehensive Research is necessary to know if they provide options like branding only or complete setup with equipment and staff.



Kaati Zone presents itself as one of the best fast-food franchises in India. It is a strong and dependable contender in the fast food market due to its unique styles and focus on sustainability without compromising the delicious flavors of its rolls.

Kaati Zone offers good quality rolls that are loved by many and whose ingredients are all locally sourced.Further, with an investment of 12 to 15 lakhs, franchises can easily set up cloud kitchens of this brand and operate from their desired location as well.


JB Kachori Wala presents itself as a potentially budget-friendly franchise opportunity with a focus on a popular snack item. They've been around since 1971, suggesting a brand with some recognition, especially in Delhi where their original outlet is located.

Their claim to fame was the "spicy kachoris," indicating a focus on a well-loved street food. Requiring only 150-250 sq ft. suggests it might be suitable for smaller kiosks or takeaways, potentially reducing setup costs. Further, the 3 lakh investment mark positions it as a relatively affordable franchise option compared to other fast-food chains



JUMBOKING is another established franchise in the Indian market and boasts a success of 5 years in this landscape. Similar to JB Kachori Wala, their 200-250 sq ft. area requirement indicates a potentially compact and cost-effective setup. The investment cost is on the higher end but that is only because their brand is strong and offers high profit potential, hence making it a franchise worth investing in.


GRAND BISTRO emerges as a potential contender in the world of affordable fast-food franchises. It is one of the best fast food franchises in India right now given the comprehensive business support provided by their team that has helped new entrepreneurs find their footing in the market. With a small area requirement of 150-250 sq. feet and an investment of around 8 lakhs, this franchise is increasingly becoming popular in the food industry. Further, their comprehensive menu and strong marketing game make this one a win-win for all those interested.


Burger Singh presents itself as an interesting option for a fast-food franchise opportunity, particularly if you're looking for a brand with a unique selling proposition. Their requirement of 5 lakh + tax investment seems to be on the lower end of the spectrum compared to other options we have explored. Their focus on providing affordable and unique burgers without compromising the quality is what has set them apart. Further, their popularity amongst the younger generation also indicated a strong and established customer base that a lot of new franchisees can benefit from by keeping the right location and vision in mind.


ONE BITE’s motto of serving all kinds of quick bites including burgers, fries, pizzas, and wraps at affordable prices has made them one of the most sought-after fast food franchises in India.

The area requirement for setting up their franchise is again small with an area requirement of 120 to 200 sq feet, this and the 8 lakh investment range puts ONE BITE at a strong position in this list.


This franchise deviates from typical fast food by specializing in chocolates and desserts. This caters to a different customer segment who crave sweet indulgences. Further, the 300-400 sq ft. space requirement suggests a potentially larger setup than kiosk models, but still manageable compared to full-fledged restaurants.

The 15-20 lakh investment is on the higher end compared to other options but their target market and profit margin is high making them a good fit for all the dessert enthusiasts out there.


Momo Zone caters to the ever-growing momo-loving population of this country. They are one of the best food franchises to invest in right now, because not only do they serve authentic and delicious flavors, but their focus on delivering these delicacies to your doorstep shows their commitment to convenience.

Further, Momo Zone works on a cloud kitchen model, meaning they operate under a small setup and focus on delivery specifically. This along with their high growth potential in different cities and markets makes them highly cost-effective when compared to a traditional restaurant franchise.

Also Read: Shawarma Franchise Opportunity In India

Benefits of Investing in a Best Fast Food Franchise In India

The fast food industry is highly volatile. With the right idea and a strategic location,any business can see profits coming in very early. However, this is only sometimes the case as saturation has already begun in this industry with every second business looking the same. It is important in such a situation to know how you can distinguish yourself from the crowd.

What better way to do this than to join hands with an already established and trusted player in the market and significantly reduce the risk of failure compared to launching a completely new concept. 

Opportunity to Scale Up Business Significantly

Franchises leverage the reputation and marketing power of a well-known brand. This attracts customers more readily compared to building brand awareness from scratch. Franchisors often provide training programs and established operating procedures. This ensures consistency in food quality and service across outlets, making it easier to manage multiple locations.

Some franchisors, like Kouzina, also offer ongoing support in areas like marketing, inventory management, and staff training. This reduces the burden on individual franchisees and helps them replicate successful practices.

Assistance in Selecting the Right Brand According to Budget

Many fast-food franchisors offer guidance in selecting a brand that aligns with your budget, skills, and target market. You can take the initiative from your side as well and attend some franchise expos to build connections with various franchisors and explore their offerings. 

You may also consider working with a franchise consultant who can help you assess your goals and recommend suitable franchise options based on your budget and risk tolerance.

Understanding Business Models and Types

Introduction to different business models: FOCO, FICO, and FOFO

These terms refer to how a business acquires its Food, Inventory, and Outlet (location). Franchises typically follow one of these models:

  • FOCO (Franchise Owned, Company Operated): The franchisor owns and operates the outlets. This is less common but might exist for pilot programs or flagship stores.
  • FICO (Franchise Owned, Contractor Operated): The franchisee owns the outlet but hires a third party to manage day-to-day operations.
  • FOFO (Franchise Owned, Franchise Operated): This is the most common franchise model. The franchisee owns and operates the outlet and has more control over operations while still getting all the support from the company. 

Eg: Kouzina operates under this kind of model.

Restaurant Types (Kiosk, Fine-Dine, Casual Dining, Take Away, Food Court):

  • Kiosk: A small, often standalone outlet with limited seating, typically offering grab-and-go options. (e.g., ONE BITE might operate as a kiosk)
  • Fine-Dining: Upscale restaurants with full table service, often featuring a formal ambiance and higher menu prices. (unlikely for most fast-food franchises)
  • Casual Dining: Relaxed atmosphere with a mix of table service and self-service options, offering a wider menu variety than kiosks but at a more affordable price point than fine dining. (e.g., some full-service JUMBOKING Burger outlets could be considered casual dining)
  • Take Away: Focuses on preparing food for customers to take away and consume elsewhere. (Many fast-food franchises like Kaati Zone or MOMO ZONE might offer primarily take-away options)
  • Food Court: A collection of multiple food vendors within a shopping mall or food complex, offering a variety of cuisines. (Some franchises might operate within a food court setting)

Filters For Selection

  • Veg/Non-Veg Preference: Indicate a preference for vegetarian or non-vegetarian cuisine to narrow your search. (e.g., MOMO ZONE might be vegetarian-focused, while JUMBOKING Burger might offer both veg and non-veg options)
  • Business Type: Choose between owning and operating the franchise yourself (FOFO) or exploring a model with a contractor for operations (FICO).
  • Model: Select your preferred model based on the ownership and operation of the food source (FOCO, FICO, FOFO) and the restaurant type (kiosk, take-away, etc.).

Wrapping Up: Making an Informed Choice in the Fast-Food Franchise World

Your exploration of various fast-food franchise options has been insightful. Here are key takeaways to guide you towards an informed decision

Thorough Research: Don't be swayed by initial impressions. Research franchisor reputation, franchisee testimonials, and the legal aspects of the franchise agreement.

Financial Considerations: Scrutinize investment costs, ongoing fees, and projected profitability to ensure the franchise aligns with your budget and financial goals.

Market Research: Evaluate the target market in your location for the specific franchise concept. Is there a demand for the type of food they offer?

Since you know the basics now, let’s take the next step of starting your own dream franchisee with Kouzina together!

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